

Facts about Daehyun

Jung Dae Hyun, "If you will, I will."
When asked how he became a singer, Daehyun commented, "When I was watching TV as a child I learned to be a singer. When I was deciding on a high school, as expected I thought "I have the goal of becoming a singer", and entered the practical music department. At that time also, I was walking by the music academy and had a chance to audition, passed that, and became a member. I practiced at the academy but from when I entered the company and our debut, about 6 months passed. I was the last one to join. So like that up until our debut, my life was full of noisy instances happening. I didn’t feel that there were any horrible or difficult things."
  • He studied at Seokwang Elementary School, Sajik Elementary School & Middle School, Busan Computer and Science High School.
  • He enjoy watching movies.
  • His role model is Shin Youngjae and he likes R&B and Ballad music.
  • His frequent habit is licking his lips.
  • Although he can eat everything, he have a preference for cheesecake.
  • His favorites colors are fluorescent colors, black and white.
  • SF and Fantasy are his favorites movies.
  • He don't have a favorite number.
  • He trained in the Nataraja Academy in Busan in 2010.
  • His dream of becoming a singer grew when he was younger while watching DBSK.
  • He likes women with sweet images, such as Ha Jiwon, Lee Jia and Shin Saimdang.
  • He always wakes up the earliest, therefore he has to prepare the food and wake up the other members. 
  • Even though he's right-handed, he uses his left hand for some tasks.
  • He knows how to draw caricatures well.
  • He enjoys watching Yoo Heeyeol's Sketchbook.
  • He's nicknamed as "Busan Wonbin" and apparently his friends laugh at him when people call him like that. kk
  • He always carries a scarf with him to protect his throat.
  • He wants to film a food CF and he's confident in eating. Whether it's pizza or soda, if you just tell him what to do, he can do it well.
  • He sleeps with three blankets because he likes to be comfortable. Jongup accused him of stealing his blankets and the group says Daehyun doesn’t wash them.
  • When B.A.P succeeds, the first thing he wants to do is gift his parents an amazing vacation.
  • He's scared of amusement park rides.
  • He have a little teddy bear that is always on his bed. 
  • Daehyun, "I'll gather the strength. Every time I feel tired, I will always tell myself: Right now I am doing what I want to do. So despite (being tired) I will do it. I will definitely do it."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous03:31

    Awwww so sweet. I love Daehyun <3
